Let me burn in this fire

Let me burn in this fire

Her grief is shattering her soul
They are two flames of one fire,
He is the only ONE her desire,
Now they are apart,
Pain are deep down in her heart,
Time gave her exile,
And she cry like a child,
She could have go back to him,
He could have hug her tight
But she let it go,
To make him free,
Her heart aches like a hell,
Is there was a spell,
She immersing in her pain,
Tears flowing like a rain,
She raise her hand and
Whisper ”O God, It’s very dark,
And flame is not there to lit his spark,
Give him strength to walk on his path,
He lacks guile, Give him smile,
Make him fly beyond the sky
Now there is no aspire,
Let me burn in this fire”.

                                     ~ Ananta ~


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