Male vs Female Are they really equal?

                                            Let's fly, Be the Butterfly  ~Ananta Yogi

 "Love is the Sea where intellect drowns" ~Rumi

Male and female two integral part of society, two-wheel of a cart, once they were aware of each other importance and now ready to tear apart to each other.

So balance is no more in that cart.

What happened to us? What is this competition for? Just take a pause and think about it.

Male and female both have unique qualities. Both have feminine and masculine energy but the dominance of energy decide their nature.

Feminine energy is all about playing, creating, love, emotion and Masculine are all about Wisdom, action, protection. Both are necessary to live in this society, they cannot be replaced with each other. Things which are similar in nature, shape or attributes can be compared and then one of them can be big/ small, superior/ inferior or equal but here both have unique attributes so how and why we compare and try to replace each other.

Can we compare sky with earth? Or Can we replace Fire with Water?

Rather we should create an environment where both can express themselves fully and reveal their true self without any social conditioning fear.

We don't need to compete but need to love each other. When I say love, it doesn't mean project your expectations but love them as it is.
Then you would see the magic, then you would feel the rhythm of music which is always flowing in Universe but only true lovers can feel that. Only they can dance on that rhythm like two waves in the river. Namaste 🙏

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